Water – Quickest way to fix a wet carpet that smells


So I have messed up. I am moving house.

On Saturday I hired a carpet cleaner and ran it round my flat. Something went a bit wrong when I was doing the bedroom and it didn't dry the carpet very well. I wake up on Tuesday morning to find the carpet really smells of .. wet carpet.

The carpet isn't soaking, but just feels damp to the touch.

I need to vacate the property by Friday. What are my options?

I am at work until then, so can't get any equipment. I might be able to get a carpet cleaner though. Could running over the carpet again fix things?

Best Answer

What you really need to do is extract the water, then dry with fans. Rather than renting a cleaner again, borrow or rent a large wet/dry vacuum. Use the floor attachment and move slowly across the carpet in overlapping rows, giving the vacuum time to draw the water out of the pad and carpet.

Once you've removed as much liquid water as you reasonably can, get fans going. The more the better. Then, exhaust the damp air from the building using bath fans, window fans, and the HVAC system. Run the heat a bit higher than normal to assist drying and move air.

Finally, apply a carpet freshener according to the instructions on the package to remove and cover odor.

Time is of the essence at this point as mold and mildew are well established. Good luck.