Water – Renovating bathroom, do I need to add a moisture barrier over insulation


I'm renovating my bathroom, and I have to rip out the entire bathtub and surround, so I decided to add insulation to both the external wall and the internal long edge of the bathtub surround – see diagram:

see diagram.

My question is, do I need to add a moisture barrier inside the walls on either the external or internal walls? I am using Schluter Kerdi board for the tub surround, I read that because this is waterproof the moisture barrier is not required – however I would probably add it if in doubt just to be 100% safe, but I wouldn't want to introduce a new problem (for example, moisture being trapped between the two waterproof surfaces.

EDIT: My external walls are not currently insulated, and I would be adding insulation to the internal wall really just for soundproofing.

Best Answer

Kerdi is waterproof so you do not add additional barriers because as you stated, you don't want to trap moisture. Just make sure to follow all the directions and tips for successfully installing the Kerdi board.