Water – Shower in another room leaks when bath is running


I have a free-standing bath in my bedroom and a separate shower stall in an adjacent room.

When we run hot water in the bath the shower head starts running– not just a drip… more like moderate rain. This doesn't happen with cold water running in the bath. To be clear, this is not a shower/bath combo with diverter but two different faucets in separate rooms. The plumbing for both rooms was completed at the same time (about 8 years ago).

I'd be grateful for any ideas on what would cause this problem and how it could be fixed.

Best Answer

It may be due to a so-called 'power-shower': a little pump next to your loft tank that boosts the hot water pressure or just a well or thank pump that boosts pressure while water is in use.

If so, just check the gaskets in the leaking (hot-water) tap: maybe those are worn and cannot withstand the increased pressure or, if you have single-command handle, replace the inner cartridge.