Water – Small soft spot on ceiling below shower


Appreciate some help here before i spend money in calling an expensive plumber because i think the problem can just be poor caulking in my shower. I noticed a small soft spot on my ceiling today. I pressed it and could sense the softness, except for that small spot all areas around it was solid. I dont see any staining in the area. Hence i think there maybe a small drip from my shower above (because of poor caulking) in that area. How can I confirm this. One way is to caulk and just see if the spot becomes worse but that may take a long time. Is there anything else I can try? Any suggestions

Please see pic below. The bulb and trim is in the picture to give an idea on the size of the soft spot

See pic below

Best Answer

That's an odd place for caulking to be applied.

Chances are very good that you have a leak above this that is dripping water down onto the drywall and softening it.