Water – Smelly House Water

filterpumpsmellwaterwater tank

We have 2 concrete tanks 15,000 each.
The first seems to catch the sediment the second I can easily see the bottom and only has a few insects at the bottom. It is at least 2.5m deep.
Both tanks a full.
The House Roof catches the water and is feed through downpipes straight into underground pipes and into the tanks.

We have a Rheem hot water system (with heat pump, and magnesium Rod), which is used for showering/washing dishes etc. Not for heating the house.

Pump house and tanks are only a few meters from the house.
Roof is very clean just small bush over hanging (it is being removed).
There is no gutter or down pipe protection.
There was no filter in the filter housing so the water has been pumped into the house directly.
The filter housing has only 1 filter (now fitted with wafer filter, I think we need more).
The kitchen sink is the only house outlet with a small carbon filter.

The smell from the Taps (both hot and cold) is not exactly like rotten eggs nor musty, but basically smells like cow dung Sh!t3.
I took a sample of tank water and it does not smell.
Tank water is tested and has Coliforms, but no e-coli.
Hot tap seemingly had no Coliforms??? weird seen as filter did not exist, maybe the 50degree+ heat destroyed them???

We wish to cleanse the system and remove the smell and possible contaminants.
What should we do to cleanse?
What should we do to the system going forwards, to prevent it happening again?

Best Answer

The smell is hydrogen sulfide . Causes are bacterial action in decomposing organic material or bacterial action breaking down inorganics such as sulfate. One can smell less than a ppm of H2S. It is not harmful at low levels where it can easily be smelled. In any case the bacteria need to be killed . Bleach (chlorates ) is the most common way to do that ; it needs to be controlled to not add other smells to the water.