Water – Subfloor damage under exterior wall


I am upgrading our kitchen and have found some damage to the subfloor from previous water leaks. These leaks were fixed long ago and there is no moisture in the subfloor or surrounding wood. We ripped out the subfloor up to the exterior wall (pictured) (there is also a window here) but it looks like there might be some damage past this point. I am wondering if I need to remove the subfloor underneath the window or if this will suffice. I have sprayed with mold treatment and have checked the 2×4 in the window frame which does not seem soft (with the screwdriver test). Am I being too meticulous and this looks fine? Please let me know what you think. Thanksenter image description here

Best Answer

It's difficult to say from a photo but it appears that there is damage to the piece marked below. It's also quite possible that there is more damage on the other side of this wall that you cannot see now.

I'd tear the whole thing out and fix it right. Of course that's a bit of work and it depends on whether you are looking to fix it for the long term or just wanting to patch it back together for a short term fix.

Photo of Damage