Water – Under UK Building Codes are you allowed to add an additional stopcock


I live in the UK and have recently moved into a new home. I've been told the stopcock is "under the floorboards in the dining area" (nothing more specific). I can't find any loose carpet that's easy to pull up.

To avoid any panic carpet pulling up in future, and to avoid tearing up the carpet now, is it possible to get someone to install a new stopcock somewhere more accessible? Is there some law/code dictating only one stopcock per property?

Another option could be to buy a key for our outside stopcock, but can anyone buy one?

Best Answer

I don't why you couldn't install a new stop cock after the current one but in a more accessible location. We've installed shut off valves at various points so we can work on each sink/bath/toilet/shower without having to turn off the whole supply. This is just an extension of that principle.

The main argument against more than one actual stop cock is (I assume) the potential confusion it could cause.

However, you would have to turn the water off to do this - which would entail finding the existing stop cock (and we're back where we started).

Theoretically you could turn the water off outside - but, as Mike says, you're not really supposed to touch those.