Water – way to trace water pipes through walls


I recently purchased my house and I am trying to find my internal valve to turn on my external faucet.

Unfortunately the previous owner put in a bathroom in over where the water line enters the house and it also covers the area where the external faucet enters the house.

I'm about to go making holes in the bathroom's drywall and ceiling to find the valve.

I would like some advice for tracing the water pipe so that I may avoid any obvious pitfalls and any advice for when I cut into the drywall for repairing it afterwards. (or maybe I'm going about this the wrong way)

Best Answer

There is no way to trace the water pipe behind the walls with any certainty without using a hole in the wall. If none exists, you will have to make one (plus).

Make shallow cuts in the drywall. A vibrating tool with a circular blade will make nice, clean, sharp, easily patchable holes without cutting so deep as to risk cutting the pipes.