Water – Well water sanitizing and ph balancing questions


The water in our well is fairly acidic (PH 5.6). The only filtration that it has is one of those generic single stage water filter systems. We also have had occasional problems with heavy rain causing ground water contamination. When it does this the water gets cloudy and tests positive for coliform bacteria.

I've been treating it with Chlorox when this happens and then drain the well for 12 hours or so, basically a couple hours after a pool test kit has shown no chlorine is present.

I looked into getting the well sealed, but a camera in the well showed there are big enough cracks in the drill hole that the well guy didn't think a liner would necessarily fix things.

I've looked at getting a better water filtration system including a UV light to kill any bateria. I'd also like to neutralize the acidity of the well water. I understand that one problem repeatedly chlorinating a well is that there are carcinogenic compounds this creates. Does anyone know what the carcinogenic compounds are and if can I get them tested for? I'm concerned that treating the well with a strong base will have a similar effect to chlorinating it. Hopefully calcite won't generate these carcinogenic compounds.


Best Answer

Clorinated organic compounds. Some are carcinogens. Some are nerve toxins. That said, a well run chlorinator thatfilters the water first for organic matter then puts a 1-2 ppm residual chlorine level in the water is not very toxic. Cities have done this for a very longtime.

UV treatment works too, and is the route I would go.

a pH of 5.6 isn't very acidic. Remember that pH is a log scale. This is a level typical of eastern hardwood forests.

But I would get a full water analysis done. Here (Alberta) we can get a sample bottle at our local public health office. The analysis is free.

Take that and find out what needs to be done.