Water – What do I need to replace after water damage during construction of a new home


While setting our new T style modular ranch style home we had a large amount of rain come before they had the sections set and now have water laying in some sections of drywall in almost every room. I think the builder is going to dry as much as possible but I'm concerned about future problems with the drywall. I guess my question is how much water on drywall is acceptable before needing replaced. Most of the wet areas are the internal walls on every room ceiling corners. I can press my fingernail in the wet spots and it is pretty mushy. A few of the light switch boxes are wet underneath too from water following the wires. Some areas I know has insulation that is definitely getting replaced but the visible slightly wet areas I'm not sure what I should try to make them do. The builder says they want us 100% satisfied so trying to decide whether to have them replace all drywall that is wet before we go any further.

Best Answer

I'd drive to get anything that was wet replaced. For 100% sure get anything that felt "mushy" replaced. Any wet insulation needs to be replaced too. Any wood that is wet should be allowed to dry up before covering it back over.