Water – What metal is most suitable for a ladder submerged in an underground water tank

metalundergroundwaterwater tank

I need a ladder in my underground water tank at home, to enable easy access for cleaning and maintenance operations. The water from the underground tank is used for drinking, apart from other household chores.

What would be the most suitable metal for this submerged ladder in the underground water tank? I don't want any water contamination due to sustained contact between ladder metal and tank water, as the water is used for drinking. TDS of water supply is ~125 mg/liter.

EDIT – I would also want to know any metal treatment (paint, varnish, etc) to prevent water contamination due to sustained contact between ladder metal and tank water.

underground tank ladder

Best Answer

Stainless steel is the obvious choice. Which exact grade is probably more dependent on what you can easily find than what the "most perfect for the job" grade might be, but 316 or 316L would be high on the list and are quite commonly available.

Be very careful about ventilating the tank if entering it "for maintenance" - tanks can be deadly. If the water is clean going in and there's no route for contaminants to enter, the need for internal maintenance should be minimal.