Water – Which of these is a suitable material for waterproofing interior walls


Would anyone care to venture an opinion about which of the materials (if any) listed in http://www.chemisol.com/argp.htm would be most suitable for applying a waterproofing coat to interior walls? The description of these products is not very explicit about this. The room whose walls are to be coated is a bathroom.

The ACC-30 page explicitly mentions bathrooms.

EDIT: Ecnerwal makes the good point that waterproofing an interior wall does not make much sense. So, I guess a followup question (should I make this a separate one) is whether any special coating/treatment is necessary, or should one simply paint the interior walls?

Best Answer

A bathroom should have water resistant materials in the places likely to be splashed with water. Stanard drywall is not used in those locations, but rather hardboard or cement board should have been used. If the proper materials were used in the first place, then you can just prime and paint over them.

What @Ecnerwal is saying in his comment applies more to a situation like basement wall waterproofing. In @Faheem's situation, the water would be coming from the interior, so it would not cause the waterproofing to peel. However, in a properly constructed bathroom, no additional waterproofing coating is required. You may wish to use a "kitchen and bath" paint, but beyond that there's nothing more needed.