Water – Why would the cold feed be backfeeding hot on a hot water heater


The cold line is "upfeeding" hot. Both of the pipes running out of the hot water heaters(dual system) are hot. When we run the hot, it gets cold again. The cold feed pipe is hot until it reaches the T where it first splits from the main feed. Have had 2 plumbing companies out and nothing. All singke handle faucets and showers are off.

Best Answer

It is possible that the 1 water heater is pressurizing the line and using the other water heater like an expansion tank. I have seen homes that did not have check valves or pressure regulators have this problem when the water heater heated it pushed the excess pressure back so the inlet would get warm. I believe there was also a post where this cost the home owner because the water meter doesent count back flow but with the water heater heating and cooling and no other water usage the post said it increased there water bill until a regulator or check valve was installed.