Water – Will copper/iron pipe last longer with/without stand water in shower riser


I have very specific practical question. Which way a pipe will last the longest and less corrosion will appear inside (internally) the pipe while it last?
1 I have one shower water IRON pipe, the question is it good idea to leave water inside the shower pipe after each use (use shower almost every other day) or let it out (through the faucet) ?
2 I have another shower water COPPER pipe, the question is it good idea to leave water inside the shower pipe after each use (use shower almost every other day) or let it out (through the faucet) ?
Thanks a lot

Best Answer

The water can stand in the shower riser between showers without ill effect, however dumping the water after each shower is also a common practice and results in little or no long term effects. Both are acceptable and common practice.