Water – Window leaking from moulding


Having had a crazy rain storm yesterday, I discovered that my window leaks. There was a pool of water on the floor that was coming from the bottom moulding.

Any ideas as how to fix this (ideally without removing the window)?

UPDATE: I had a window guy come down and check out the issue. We pulled off the white trim on the outside of the windows, which revealed there was NO insulation OR any cladding. In fact, the trim was keeping the water from escaping, bringing it into our house. Previous house flipper was clearly out of his mind. . .

Inside WindowOutside Windowenter image description here

Best Answer

Were it my home I'd be removing the gray exterior casing to find out just exactly how the window is flashed. You can't fix bad flashing from inside. You can stop the interior leak, but the water will go on its merry way rotting your wall out.

I'd also want to know what kind of drain plane is behind the stucco, if any. That will determine whether you should flash behind or in front of the stucco.

Can't say much more with what I know from your post. Update if you decide to get into it.