Water – Would it hurt the water pump if installed a second water pump on the output of the first


I have a well in my garden(17m deep, 1m diameter), in it there is a platform on which my water pump for my house sits. Before the water comes out my faucet or shower it travels across some 20 to 30 meters of small diameter pipe. So the water pressure at the end is miserable.

Can I connect another water pump right before(4m of pipe away) my shower, so that this pump would suck water from the first pump, create pressure and deliver comfortable pressure of water to my shower?

Of course, I need some place for the second pump, it would create some noise, but would that be ok or would the first water pump get damaged?

Best Answer

If the problem is undersized pipe, you need larger pipe, or some other coping mechanism such as a large pressure tank at the house.

Placing a pump on the end of the small pipe will likely cause the second pump to cavitate, which generally damages the pump. Water can only be sucked so hard before it boils, at any temperature.

If you want a pump on the house side, you can do that, but you'd need to provide a large cistern to serve as the water source for that pump, so it's drawing from the stored water in the cistern, not the too-small pipe.

A larger pipe is a much simpler solution to this problem in most cases.