Waterproofing between wall and new sink vanity


We just installed a new sink vanity and there's a roughly 1 inch gap between the bottom of our mirror and the top of the sink where the wall is exposed. We'd like to protect the wall back there from moisture. What's the best way to do this? PVC trim? a backsplash of some sort? Not entirely worried about design aesthetics– just want it to be waterproof.

Best Answer

Yep, PVC trim, Accent-strip Tile, Slices of a 12x12 (whatever size you desire) Tile or a sliver of Granite would probably be the best and not be problematic with future cleanings removing a finish or paint.

Or, you may want to reverse your thinking and frame around the entire mirror with a decorative PVC molding. This assumes the mirror is gapped all of the way around for the best look.