Way to fix a leak in the pressurized side of a pool system without digging it up


I have a pool that has a pretty bad leak on the pressurized side, and it's not in the backwash line nor in any line that is above ground. Right now I don't know which pipe has the leak in it, but I just had a new patio poured. This most likely caused the issue, although the concrete guy claimed he did a pressure check. In any case I really don't want to have to dig it up to have get to the leak. So I have 2 questions.

  1. Is there any way that doesn't involved a lucky educated guess to find the leak without digging up and hoping you were right.
  2. Assuming you can find the leak with answer #1, is there a way to fix it that doesn't involve digging up the patio?

Best Answer

The practical answer to both your questions is NO.

One possible solution for you to consider is routing a new line that skirts most of the patio and and then joins into the existing piping near the pool entry.