What are alternatives to an in-floor drain in a laundry room


Let’s say you had a house and, for whatever reason, it was not possible to have an in-floor drain in the laundry room.

Are there alternatives that would ideally provide the same value in case of a leak?

Best Answer

One thing that is an option is automatic shut off valves for the washer that are linked to a water sensor.

Floodstop valves

Automatic Valves

Above is an example that I have experience with, but they come from several manufacturers and I think there are even "smart home" options that will alert you of a leak as well as turning off valves. I think I've also seen devices that cut power to the washer when there is a leak to stop it from draining water if the leak is actually a clogged drain rather than a burst hose.

With these valves, you still have to clean up some amount of water, but the problem is greatly reduced to the point of being able to clean up with a simple mop. Proper baseboard with a good caulking job will keep a small leak from getting behind the walls.