What are some safe and ethical ways to dispose rinse water used to clean up lead contamination jobs


I'm researching lead paint removal and cleanup, and I understand the need to seal off the room with plastic and tape. I also understand that a final cleanup is to be carried out some time after 4 to 24 hours after the removal job. The prevailing recommendation is to wash or mop the floor using rags and separate buckets for wash water solution and rinse water, and to seal off your cleaning materials in a bag. What I haven't been able to find is a satisfactory method to dispose of the rinse water resulting from that cleanup.

In this literature from the state of Maine, they have you wash your lead contaminated areas and then to pour the rinse water into the toilet. It occurs to me that this is deferring the lead contamination to sewage treatment, which seems much less than ideal.

Best Answer

Let the water evaporate and then dispose of the bucket in a plastic garbage bag.