What are some ways to remove hardened epoxy from drain pipes


Long story short. Some idiot poured down half a gallon of mixed epoxy into the sink, and washed it down with water. Epoxy traveled quite far, and then hardened, fusing with the pipes, creating a hard and watertight clog. The clog happens to be in a place where it is completely inaccessible (under and inside structural elements), so it is impossible to replace these pipes without demolishing half of the building. What are some ways to separate that epoxy from the pipes and clear the plug? We already tried flexible "snakes", but the epoxy is fused with the pipe, and won't move. Are there any chemicals that can dissolve it or break it apart without damaging the pipes? As far as we know, the pipes in that section are made from PVC.

I know it is a hard case… But demolishing half the building is really not an option. Looking forward to your ideas!

Best Answer

I think you need new pipes, man.