What are the methods of attaching cable to OSB


I'm making a shelf from a sheet of OSB,
I'm planning to rig it with 4 cables in the corners.

From the answer to this question:
How should I attach the cable of a cable-supported shelf?
enter image description here

I get it that I should get an eye bolt through my shelf.

The question is — what's the necessary size of the washer, and the distance from the bolt's hole to the edge of the board. For 18 mm OSB. Overall load up to 80 kilos. Planned size 1.5*1.2 meters (It'll be accessed from both of the longer sides hence the width). I've used this tool to find necessary thickness.

Best Answer

Tear-out of the bolts isn't the primary concern here, even with standard flat washers. Sag is one, and complete snap-off of the sheet corners is another.

If you must use the sheet without a frame, I'd move the cables inboard substantially--cantilever the shelf about 20% of it's length and width. This gives assurance that the corners won't break off and distributes the load much better.

If you can't do that due to the load objects' size or shape, put a proper frame under the shelf. This can be as minimal as lumber under the front and back edges to spread load.