What are the options for erosion control under this fence


I am looking at options for mitigating erosion under this fence area. It is also an easement area shared with us and the higher neighboring property. I need: 1. A simple and cost effective solution to reduce erosion at the fence line along the entire fence
Fence img #1

Fence img #2

Fence img #4

Fence img #5

The other side of the fence:
Neighbor side of fence

The other side of the fence:
Neighbor side of fence #2

Fence #3

Best Answer

Stating the obvious. Grass. Other than that you have all dirt. Wind and water will continue the erosion. Grass seed is cheap. Try hay, if it is not windy in your area,bales of hay cost $12. You will need 3. Break them down and throw seed in, let weeds and grass grow.