What are the options for hiding/removing service panels from the outside of a house


I'm trying to improve my curb appeal and I have several utility panels on the side of my house in full view, including cables running up and down the outside wall. Those were installed before I purchased the house. I can identify the electric, and the FIOS. I can see 2 other panels and I'm not 100% sure what they are.

(click for full size)

I would venture a guess that the grey box is an old telephone service? And I have no clue what the little black box is.

Now I would like to eliminate all I can. I use the electricity and FIOS. I don't need anything else. For telephone I exclusively use cell phones and FIOS includes phone service anyway. I don't see anybody going back to the old copper lines.

How can I get rid of this panel entirely, and also how can I get rid of the landline coming from the pole? Do I need to call the utility or can I ask an electrician?

Same question about the little black box, if someone can actually figure out what this is?

Best Answer

You can't get rid of the telephone box in the middle. The FIOS connection provides telephone access to the FIOS panel and then the lines running from the FIOS panel to the telephone panel are used to connect all of the phones in your home to the FIOS telephone connection.

As for what you can do to make the situation better, I might plant a small tree, maybe a dogwood, that still leaves the window exposed below for security. I would also replace all the connections that are going in and around that window with a single 1-2" conduit and reroute all the lines through that (the phone wires going into the top of the window really bother me). And finally, I would get that box (electrical outlet?) over the vent properly attached.