What are the options for multi-room audio


Multi-Room Audio

I've been tasked by the wife with setting up a multi-room audio system. We've broken the house down into the following zones:

  • Kitchen (Stereo)
  • Office (Stereo)
  • Master Bed/Bath (Stereo x2)
  • Son's Bedroom (Stereo)
  • Daughter's Bedroom (Stereo)
  • Guest Bedroom (Stereo)
  • Hall/Laundry (Mono x3)

For inputs we have the following:

  • Whatever the TV is on
  • Bluetooth from either of our phones
  • Radio
  • Computer

Bonus features would include:

  • Intercom between rooms
  • Touchscreen Control Panels
  • Central control
  • Input from the room (like for the kids' computers)
  • Other cool stuff

I've been trying to research everything and here are the options I've come up with:

Stack of Receivers

One receiver per zone, with all inputs split between all receivers. This seems to have a lot of ability without a horrible price, but it would be hard to get everything working from a central control, and the wife isn't a fan of a stack of 7 receivers somewhere. Also may not be very power-friendly

Multi-zone Receiver with Selectors

I'm not too familiar with selectors, but we could get a decent mix of features with a three zone receiver, and 3 selectors capable of 7 zones apiece. I'm not clear on how volume control would work, and it might be a pain to get everything controllable.

8×8 Matrix Switcher

Again, not too familiar, but not sure where the amplification goes. Also sort of difficult to find these with remote control and I don't want in-wall knobs or something.

Multi-Room Intercom System

I haven't found one that'll integrate with external speakers, extra inputs, or looks attractive.


Pretty pricey (~$500/room just for the amps), kind of confusing about what I need and how it works. Also not sure if I can use IR remotes or I need phones everywhere to control everything.

Homebrew Tablets & Amps

This would be kind of fragile, but for less than a lot of the other alternatives I could get a Nexus 7 for each room, mount a cradle on the wall and wire that in with a fixed level amp, controlling volume from the tablet. Then I can stream anything to each room (including tons of online content) plus be able to set up things like video intercom (via skype) and other cool features. The downside is this is pretty homebrew and probably fragile. Also it's highly likely that audio in different rooms will not be synchronized, so rooms may be off by a second or two which would be irritating.

Am I missing any other options?

Best Answer

There is an option that may work for you that you didn't list. If you're not using your home's phone lines, you can disconnect them from the utility and use them to carry the signal from a player (computer, mp3 player, etc) to each stereo. Then you can use apps like "Retune" or "Remote" to control the audio from your computer. I've done it in my house and I've never been happier.

If you can make the cables yourself, great. If not, you can purchase them at my Kickstarter site below.


Good Luck!