What are the options for replacing or upgrading the window screens


I've just bought a house that has older wooden-framed windows. The windows themselves appear to be fine, but the screens for these windows are simple aluminum frames that use the small spring-loaded pegs that fit into holes in the window frame to hold them in. As a result, the screen doesn't have anything close to a flush fit around the edges, so insects are able to crawl in.

I've noticed in some newer houses with vinyl windows that some of the screens sit in a track of sorts so that they can be raised and lowered, and as a result there's no place for insects to get around the edges. Is there any way to get a better-fitting screen for my existing wooden windows? Perhaps a screen uni

Best Answer

What you are looking for is called a Combination Storm/Screen Window, and most hardware stores can order exactly what you want or you can pick through the selection at The Home Depot: Window Screens is a wide variety of combination storm window/screens to pick from.