What are the pros and cons of solatube vs velux solar tubes


I want to install a solar tube to bring light to a room with no windows.

There are sadly no standards to be able to compare products in the market. I would expect a "lumens" spec that lets you compare light output of one product to another, like they have for LED lights for example.

Given such data doesn't exists, could anyone recommend (based on lumens and other features) between:
1. solatube
2. velux
3. whatever this is (sold via costco)

One thing I know is that I want frosted glass/plastic on the inside.
I noticed velux has a huge dome vs solatube being a small dome, and the costco thing being not a dome at all… thoughts?

Best Answer

Solatube Daylighting Systems come in 2 sizes, the 160 DS (10" in diameter) and the 290 DS (14"). The 160 DS produces up to 4600 lumens, while the 290 DS produces up to 9100 lumens. I have no idea what any other brand's lumen output is however, you will most always get more light with a Solatube brand due the fact that their tubing is made with Spectralight tubing (its patented) with 99.7% reflectivity. This means each time the light "bounces" down the tube, Solatube loses .3% of the light. With 5 "bounces" Solatube only loses 1.5%. If the tubing is less reflective - even by a couple of % points you potentially lose far more light.

Bottom line is you get much more pure light with a smaller opening. Not to mention the technology in the dome itself to capture more light in dawn and dusk hours and winter months.

Most areas have a dedicated Solatube dealer that can answer all your questions.