What can be done about water running under the house


When the builder excavated for my home, the hole filled in with a half foot of water. (They said I have a "perched water table".)

To "Fix" this the builder put rocks under my house and put in piping for a pump at the lower side of the house.

For the first few years my pump would turn on during the spring. Then, 3 years ago, it started running in the summer and fall.

For the last two years it has been running off and on in about 5 minute spurts. (It is on for about 5 mins then off for about 4.) It is pumping out a two inch pipe. Though I have not measured it, it is a lot of water!

I have tried moving up the bubble switch that controls the pump, but it seemed to have little effect.

If my pump is off for 30 minutes, then my basement starts to get wet!

Is there anything that can be done for this? A kind of company to call, or … anything?

I don't even know where to start.

NOTE: If this does not count as "Home Improvement" I apologize. Let me know and I will delete my post.

Best Answer

Contact three or four local drainage contractors and ask if they will come out and give you a quote to solve the problem. You'll learn what methods they would employ, their guarantee, and cost. Then you can make an informed decision.