What can cause an A/C to freeze up


Our A/C evaporator coil freeze up last year, so I called out a technician.
He said that it was charged with the proper amount of Freon, and my problem [paraphrased] "something had narrowed the inside of the coil", and said that "cleaning the coil would be a waste of money since that would cost ~$900 (uncharge, take out, clean, reinstall, recharge), and a new A/C is only $1800".

My BS alarm was going off at the time and I'm going to get a second opinion, but in the mean time:

Q1: Can a coil go bad in the manner he described?

Q2: I know in the system there should be only Freon and lubricating oil, but can you figure out if there's any contaminates ?

Best Answer

Mine was freezing over and not cooling the house. I had recently replaced the filters so I made sure all the vents were open. I noticed there was no airflow so I checked the A/C coil up in the attic... I pulled the panel off and it was completely blocked by lint. I used a wide vacuum brush and sucked all the crud off and now there's airflow again and the house is cooling down as I write this. Cost, sweat! lots of sweat!