What can the county do if the shed violate zoning distance


So, here is the issue. Me being stupid, decided to start building a 12 x 16 shed. (sits on wood foundation)

THEN I started researching what the county permits. The shed has a setback of either 5 or 10 feet (dont know my zone) if its bigger than 120 sqft, which it is. (from what I read – can be wrong i will be calling on friday)

I placed it 3 feet instead. I invested over $4,000 in it with electrical, which passed inspection from a electrical company.

the state is colorado and county is el paso in colorado springs.

YAY ME! so, what can a county do? Can they force me to take it down? if I dont?

Best Answer

Usually the penalties are right there in the code. My town, it's a fine of $50/day from the time it was built until the time it's corrected; i.e. not a trivial amount. It will vary with the Local Area Having Jursidiction (LAHJ) so only someone from your immediate area would know what might apply to you.

As with most laws, ignorance is not considered a valid excuse, and generally will not sway the zoning board (which is usually what holds sway over this sort of thing, in my area, anyway.)