What causes furnaces to break in 16 to 20 years


Why do furnaces need to be replaced in this regularly-occurring amount of time?(http://www.homeenergycenter.com/8furnace_signs.html)

Is there something about the physics of the high heat and components involved that makes this an absolute necessity? It's obviously very expensive and something to try to avoid if possible.

I've also seen some websites say around a 30-year lifetime for some furnaces. Which brands last the longest and do any last indefinitely?

Best Answer

its called planned obsolescence. its the modern business strategy manufactures follow. no longer is long life a selling point that means anything. if a company can double its profits by selling you a furnace twice as often as it used to, they feel thats the best model of operation.

a furnace will only last as long as you wish to keep repairing it.