What could be causing the filler tube of a toilet to be leaking/bubbling


I'm trying to fix a leaking toilet, and I can't seem to find a guide for the problem I have. Most of them are for fixing a leaky flapper or fill valve.

When I flush the toilet, the tank fills normally until it is full. I've confirmed that the float ball and valves are ok. After the tank fills up, I noticed that the filler tube (red arrow in the diagram) is bubbling and it sounds like the tank is continually being filled. If I move the float ball arm up a little bit, the leaking stops. I tried adjusting the height of the ball and tightening it, but the filler tube keeps bubbling.

Is this a problem with the float ball or fill valve?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I've run into this same problem several times, and tried the same things you're trying - adjust the ball, bend the arm a bit to put more pressure on the valve, etc.

Ultimately though I've always ended up replacing the fill valve. The pressure from the float ball and arm isn't enough to close the valve completely, a seal is worn out, or something else is similarly out of whack.

ETA: In my experience, the fill valves that don't have a ball but instead have a sort of integrated float seem to be less prone to this problem (like the one pictured below)

Fill Valve