What could I use as a metal body for the DIY wind turbine


I'm building a Ametek wind turbine, similar to the one in this YouTube video.

I'm having trouble figuring out what I could use for the metal body, preferably something I could buy from Home Depot or Lowe's. I tried using a sliding closet door bracket, but the base is too small. I need it to be at least 4 inches wide.

Here's what I'm trying to replicate:


Any ideas for what I could use?

Best Answer

Looks to me like a standard 5 gallon plastic bucket, with lid could be cut with a hole for the fan shaft in the bottom and a slot for your mounting pipe on the side. Once mounted, cover the slot w plastic and screw or pop-rivet in place. Wiring will need another hole. Sun might make the bucket brittle in 5 years, but even with thin metal, you're going to need to do occasional maintenance.