What do I need to do to prepare for a storage shed


I'm thinking of putting a small shed (something like this — a Montana 8' x 10' mini-barn) and wondering what I need to do to prepare.

I was thinking of getting a load of gravel, and having a bed of 4-6" of gravel, with deck blocks on top of that. The area under consideration isn't quite level, and gets a bit damp in the spring.

Or would just putting down the deck blocks (digging them in a bit to ensure they're all level) be sufficient?

Best Answer

I looked at your profile, but don't know what part of the country you are in. Where you are makes a lot of difference. The building you are considering is a wooden structure, fairly heavy and can hold some cargo. Any building that size deserves a decent foundation. If you don't support it right, it will warp, shift and bend with the seasons, resulting in screwed doors and separations on the siding.since you said the ground can be wet in season, I would recommended a foundation that keeps it off the ground, a vapor barrier to protect he floor and is deep enough to withstand ground heaves if you are in an area where the ground freezes in winter. If you are in a non-freeze area, I think you may want to at least support the corners and side walls with blocks at least 12 inches in the ground. Any and all water you can stop from attacking your new building will increase it's life span. Your idea of a gravel base with supports would be a minimum. Let me know where you are, and I may be able to give you better advise.