What else can I use to clean glass windows


I have a job scheduled that involves getting a house ready to sell. The customer wants it cleaned and polished as she is putting it on the market. It's a 3 story 1950's era house that has a lot of glass windows and doors (a lot). The windows are original single-pane casement. Every one has mullions that divide the pane into single panes (about 12" x 12"). I have to clean every window. What is the fastest way to accomplish this? I've heard newspaper can be substituted for paper towels?

Best Answer

Black ink newspapers work but they are messy and difficult.

If you have a lot of glass to do, duplicate how the professionals do it. They use dishwashing liquid solution (not an ammonia based glass cleaner like *%$dex). They use a soft absorbent scrubber (you could use a soft sponge mop maybe?), then they use a good quality squeegee to remove the grimy liquid from the glass. Follow that up with a quick dry rag wipe of the edges and corners.

You might think about blasting all the windows with a water stream first, to remove as much loose dirt from the sashes and mullions as you can.