What kind of air conditioner system do I have


I know this site says 'DIY', but if this question belongs somewhere else, let me know which site is appropriate for this question. Thank you.

At the beginning of this month, I had a Coleman air conditioner installed and connected to the bottom of the furnace through some foam-covered pipe or coil. Also, I am totally blind. So, although I can feel some of the things that are obvious, some of the stuff, like the boxes on the side of the wall, I am not familiar with. What are these boxes used for? Can you open or lift the cover on each of them?
Also, is my air conditioner considered a package system, where the compressor, condenser, and evaporator are all stationed outside, or is it a split system, where only the compressor and condenser are outside, and the evaporator is inside the furnace?
Here's a video I took. Let me know if it is clear enough. If not, I'll take another one, and I'll try to include another one of the furnace.

Best Answer

Starting from the left, at the beginning of your video are:

  1. Your Gas Meter
  2. A weather-proof outdoor, In-Use, electrical outlet mounted on the wall. The plastic box has a cover with a clip on the bottom-right corner and opens upwards to allow access to 2 standard electrical outlets. This has nothing to do with your air conditioner.
  3. The electrical disconnect for your air conditioner compressor, also mounted on the wall. This metal box has a clip at the bottom and also open upwards. There may be live electrical contacts inside so I wouldn't recommend opening it if you can't see what you're touching.
  4. Your air conditioner's outdoor compressor and condenser unit. This is the large metal enclosure on the ground, vented all around, with a large fan on top under a circular wire screen.

Your air conditioner is a split system, with the compressor and condenser outside in the large box with the fan on top, and the evaporator inside with the furnace. They're linked together with the foam-covered pipes, which carry the refrigerant between the two halves of the system.

The end of your video just shows an empty space against the wall to the left of the gas meter below a window, with a ladder lying on the ground.