What kind of caulk should I use for sealing windows to drywall


I installed new vinyl windows and now need to caulk them to the drywall of the window boxes on the interior side. What kind of caulk should I use? I've generally been using a nice silicone caulk, but it's not paintable and I anticipate eventually repainting the window boxes. If I use latex caulk, that'll work for repainting, but the old windows used latex caulk and it was brittle as a pretzel stick by the time I removed it.

Best Answer

I was going to say just acrylic latex (aka 'alex'). But since you don't like that or silicone, how about alex + silicone? :) For example:

enter image description here


The product is intended to address the relative weaknesses of each component. It's paintable, but supposed to be more flexible and better able to expand and contract with temp change.