What kind of damage is in this attic wall


We were looking at a house to buy and one of the walls in the attic was damaged as shown in the picture below.

The house was the middle of three terraced houses so this particular wall was shared with the house next to it.

We ended up passing on the house because of an overeager other buyer.

I am curious as to what kind of damage this looks like and if it would have been expensive to fix.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Looks like, but may not be, water staining on concrete which in and of itself is not damage per-say.

But it raises the question of how and why did water get to it and what water damage may or may not be in the non-concrete construction part of the house above it.

I would guess a roof leak around where this concrete exits the roof or compromise in the concrete itself above the roof line.

No way to know about the cost of repairs until one knows the extent of damage, if any, to the rest of the house.