What kind of plug adapter do I need


See the image below. This is from a lamp. Clearly it needs some kind of adapter to go into an outlet (I assume it came with one many years ago). Any idea what the name is of the kind of adapter I need? And do I need to pay attention to voltage, watts, etc when making the purchase?

enter image description hereenter image description here

Here's the label that sits right under the lamp. It reads 50W Smaller 12V Type T Bulb, with various markings underneath it.

enter image description hereenter image description here

And finally, here's the lamp itself.

enter image description here

Best Answer

It's very likely to be a proprietary connector. Even if it conforms to a standard size like DIN (as @Trout suggests), that doesn't really tell you anything about the electrical requirements. The part your missing may have a transformer, a dimmer, or allowed ganging of several lights together.

Unless you find more markings on the bulb or cable, I would not assume anything about the lamp — could be DC or AC, could be 220V, 110V, or low voltage.

(You don't say what country you live in or whether the lamp is likely to be foreign. There are several countries that use plugs with 3 round pins in approximately the configuration of your plug, but yours looks smaller. It's a little hard to tell scale from that photo... any chance of pin-to pin-measurements?)