What kind of screws for crawl space vents


I'm removing one of the ancient crawl-space vents from my house in order to put in a wiring pass-thru plate. The old vent only had a couple screws on it and the new plate has a lot more holes… So, looks like I can't just reuse the couple screws I had.

Is there standard type and size of screw used for this application?

Also, should I put a bead of caulk around the opening before placing the plate?

Best Answer

Doesn't look like there is anything special here.. The vent itself is not sealed, so not sure why you would need to seal the edges with caulk, but it won't hurt if you do.

I don't really see any reason any special screws are needed if it's just wood around the outside. I would just probably put in some #8, 1 1/4" to 2" screws.