What material should I use for a custom, do-it-yourself desk for the home office


I am currently remodeling my office, a converted formal dining room, and I am stuck on what material to use for the desktop.

Currently I have a 1" thick Cherry Veneer particle board that is 6' wide x 30" deep.

I want to increase the depth slightly (I like to rest my elbows on the desk while gaming) and am finding it hard to decide on a good material for a 36" depth that has an attractive finish. I would be happiest with a black veneer on the top (non-shine).

Any suggestions, or even places to purchase or order in Orange, CA would be awesome.

I am not shy in building one either, if anyone has any suggestions on the construction of a strong top.

Best Answer

Perhaps kitchen worktop is the way to go - plenty of choices in finish, thickness and size. Durable and hardwearing, too.