What miter and bevel angle do I need for coping 38/52 crown molding


I'm trying my hand at coping crown molding. I cut a couple of test pieces to try it out but it's not working very well. My first attempt was cutting the miter 45°, that didn't work, the angle was too steep. Then I tried cutting it at 38°, closer but the bottom is open. What am I doing wrong? Is the bevel important?

Best Answer

Cutting on the flat:

If you are cutting on the flat there are lots of mitre/bevel charts online like this one: Mitre/Bevel Chart

Cutting Nested:

Have you tried nesting your crown?

Hold the crown at the angle it would be on the wall, and just do a normal mitre (no need to worry about bevel).

This is how I prefer to cut it, but everyone has their preferences. You can buy different stops and clamps for setting this up to be quick and accurate (or make your own jig). As well as most saws nowadays have attachments for their saws for this.


Nested Attachment

V.S. Shop-made:

Nested Jig