What purpose does this PVC pipe in the crawlspace serve


I was cleaning the crawlspace under the house
and discovered two 3/4 inch white PVC pipes
that run across the crawlspace buried under
ground (4-8 inch deep) and terminate at the
perimeter foundation footing.

One of the pipes has a T-connection in the
middle facing upwards, the top end
is not capped and is filled with dirt.

I wonder if this was done on purpose
(for some kind of drainage or something)
or this is a part of abandoned yard irrigation
system left by when they build a house addition

Does anybody know any method that would require
such PVC pipes underground in the crawslapce?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Pipe ends at foundation footer
(next to the pipe is a big root that goes under foundation as it seems)
enter image description here

Best Answer

Since its under an addition I think your guess about being part of an irrigation system that was abandoned is the most probable.