What should we do at the chipped tub rim lip


The new tub rim upturn lip has chipped and cracked a little. To install the wall tiles, which option is better?

  1. Install the tile backboard (is it cement board) in front of the upturned lip and overlap it. Then install tiles over cement board. Question: the face of lip is 1/8"-1/4" in front of face of studs. Would the cement board be bent? and is it a tight overlap at the lip since there should not be screws too close to the lip or going thru the lip?

  2. install the tile backboard above the lip so the face of the board flush with the face of the lip. Then install tiles over the lip and board?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Option two is the way to go. You don't want any angle space between the studs and the cement board. Secure the cement board firmly to the studs flush with the edge of the tub lip and seal the seam with caulk. Then install your tile over the cement board and face of the tub lip. Then grout and then seal the bottom row of tile where it meets the tub with caulk.