What size breaker and wire do I need for a subpanel in the shed


I am wanting to run power to my shed/workshop. I will have 8 outlets running table saw and such not everything at same time also will have shop lights and a separate 20 amp circuit for pool pump. What size breaker in main house panel should I use to connect to subpanel in shed that is approx. 90 feet from the main panel?

Best Answer

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's tough to beat a 60 ampere sub-panel. You might be able to get by with a 40 amp setup, but it's always nice to have future expansion possibilities.

At 90 ft., you're probably okay to use 6 AWG copper, or 4 AWG aluminum conductors. You'll have to pull four conductors, either through conduit or via a cable.

Since it's a separate structure, you'll need a grounding electrode system. Which you'll have to bond the grounding conductor from the feeder, and the grounding conductors within the building to. You'll keep the neutral conductors isolated from the grounding conductors, which will likely mean removing a bonding jumper within the panel.