What to do with metal frame for clothesline


I've bought a house that has these metal pipes which were used for a clothesline in generations past.


The house also came with a washer and dryer.

I will probably rent or sell the house in 1 – 3 years, so if it's going to detract from the value of the house in any way, then I want to leave them as-is. However, if it would not impact (or increase) the value of the house, I suppose I should remove them.

So, my questions are:

  1. Should I remove them?
  2. If I should remove them, do I just dig them up with a shovel, or is there more to it than that?

Best Answer

Some might not like the looks; if they're not being used just dig them up. They may have a chunk of concrete that may be as deep as 2 feet.

At my last house I ran a steel wire on both ends then planted string beans with twine from the ground up. Way two many beans but it was fun.