What to use to fill mouse access point


My wife and I have some field mice that have found refuge in our home through a gap between the foundation and the side of our house. We believe this point to be their only access, as they’ve made distinct paths through the yard leading to this gap, and lots of droppings immediately outside of it. There are no other signs of entry anywhere else.

We’re currently dealing with the mice via traditional spring traps with immediate success, and I plan to continue this treatment until we go about 48 hours with no sign of them (obviously, we wouldn’t want to trap them inside).

Once we’re in the clear, what can I use to block their entry to prevent others from moving in? Do I need to buy an entire bag of concrete and go through all of that hassle just to mend a very small hole, or is there an alternative that might be as effective?

Best Answer

Copper "wool" or mesh is sold for the purpose of plugging such holes. The mice cannot chew it and it doesn't corrode, e.g., https://www.amazon.com/Stuf-Fit-Copper-Mesh-Birds-Control/dp/B0001IMLTY