What type of bathroom window for max airflow


I don't have fans for ventilation at the moment and may choose not to have but I have big windows in bathroom. What type of window should i install? The common ones here are those rectangular ones that open from the top, with hinges at the bottom. The window swings open to inside.

Best Answer

The best types of windows for airflow are double hung windows ─ ones that open from the top and bottom. The top part lets out hot air and the bottom part allows fresh, outside air to flow indoors. This works especially well if the top window is near the ceiling, say, within a foot. Windows that open only at the bottom don't really allow a lot of airflow, since they don't allow any air exchange.


If having windows that allow for good ventilation is important to you, then you should invest in one of the following window styles:
•Single/Double Hung
•Awning or Hopper
from http://schmidtroofing.com/best-windows-natural-light-ventilation/

With a double hung window you can open the bottom and top of the window at the same time. This allows cool air to enter the bottom and hot air to escape out of the top. It makes it possible to ventilate a room using just a single window and to do it effectively. When trying to ventilate a room with single hung windows you need multiple windows in order to create airflow, and they still aren’t as effective as double hung windows at getting rid of warm air.
from https://modernize.com/windows/types/double-hung-windows