What type of paint can I use for exterior flagstone


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So I have this beautiful flagstone…which normally I would like but, as you can see, it doesnt match with our house whatsoever.

Im thinking we have two options: paint our whole house to match the stone or paint the stone to match our house.

Eventually, we want to paint the exterior but for now, we are looking for a semi-quick fix. Any recommendations? If we do paint the stone, what type of paint should we use, seeing that our walkway and porch will be heavy traffic areas.

Best Answer

In Dallas TX people are painting perfectly good brick because they think it is a design choice. I personally would never paint perfectly good brick.

In my neighborhood of brick facade homes I have, however, seen one case I personally thought it sorta worked. A house with uniform bright red brick with off-white tooled mortar was painted with a highly diluted white latex paint. The owners described it as a "wash".

It desaturated the red and gave some variation which was interesting. If you tried that on your flagstone, wear patterns would probably develop, but maybe you could periodically "rewash" those areas. And if it didn't work at all, you might be able to remove it with a power washer. If you have an inconspicuous place, you could test this.

Personally, I would try to live with the bold flags, and try to consider them a fact of nature which is too much trouble to change by art.

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