What type of snake is this


Not 100% this is the right place to ask, but… since I was working on my shed and found this little guy, figured it would fit best in Home Improvement…

Anyways… I'm taking my shed apart (since it's already falling apart and I want to re-build it) and I found this little guy. Anyone know what kind of snake this is? I'm in Southern Delaware:

Snake 1

Snake 2

Snake 3

Best Answer

If the underside is white or lighter, its a black rat snake. This could could be a black king snake, but it would be weird. My money is with black rat snake or eastern rat snake. This snake is not venomous.

It matches the pattern and has white inbetween the scales, so I believe it to inbetween youth and adult phases. This decribes the faint white pattern.

I would let it go, it's obviously busy keeping other pests from staying around.